Registration-Free COM
Registration-Free COM
The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
When launching the application, you may see a dialog stating The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or user the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.
You can create a batch file to make it easier to run, parse and view the SxSTrace:
Microsoft.Playwright.PlaywrightException: Error: The language "cmd" has no grammar.
at Object.highlight (
at eval (eval at evaluate (:226:30), :2:18)
at UtilityScript.evaluate (:233:19)
at UtilityScript. (:1:44)
at Microsoft.Playwright.Transport.Connection.InnerSendMessageToServerAsync[T](ChannelOwnerBase object, String method, Dictionary`2 dictionary, Boolean keepNulls) in /_/src/Playwright/Transport/Connection.cs:line 209
at Microsoft.Playwright.Transport.Connection.WrapApiCallAsync[T](Func`1 action, Boolean isInternal) in /_/src/Playwright/Transport/Connection.cs:line 535
at Microsoft.Playwright.Core.Frame.EvaluateAsync[T](String script, Object arg) in /_/src/Playwright/Core/Frame.cs:line 548
at SiteGen.Extensions.Markdown.Prism.PrismHost.Highlight(String source, String language)
at SiteGen.Extensions.Markdown.Prism.PrismCodeBlockRenderer.Write(HtmlRenderer renderer, PrismCodeBlock obj)